miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

Soccer is the most popular sport in El Salvador

Soccer is the most popular sport in El Salvador. For more than forty years, this sport has been played in our country by many people. Have you ever played soccer? Do you know who has been the best soccer player in El Salvador? In our cities we have had fabulous soccer players. Some of them have played in other countries like The United States, Mexico and also Europe. Our soccer is improving, and this year we have more than ten players practicing that sport in foreign leagues.

Young people have practiced soccer in our country. Some of them have been trained since early age. They start playing in school. Next, they play in a second league team, and after that they practice soccer in a premier league team. Finally, if they have a great performance, foreign leagues hire them. For example, in this year six professionals of our national soccer team are playing in The United States league, four sportsmen are playing in The Mexican league, and other two people are practicing soccer in Europe (in third league).

We have had fabulous players with different abilities, and they have trained in different countries. For example, Jorge Gonzales has been one of the best players from El Salvador who played in Spain. Another is Jaime Rodriguez who practiced soccer in South America and also in second league from Germany. Another sportman is Mauricio Cienfuegos, he was a great player who trained in The United States league. There are more great players but these three have been the most famous and popular.

Soccer in El Salvador is improving. For that reason, we have twelve players practicing soccer in foreign leagues. We have improved the FIFA ranking of our national soccer team. And if they continue training on that way, our team will be able to play in the next world cup, because we will have better players than now.